May 2019

I arrived at Siblyback about 4pm on Wednesday and met up with Paul, a member of Siblyback Fly Fishers. We were both hopeful of some good sport as another member, Derek had caught double figures the previous evening.

The weather looked better than of late for the fishing with a bit of high cloud cover and a steady breeze blowing from the direction of Stocky Bay.

We started from just to the right of the hut and my plan was to work a team of buzzers until I found some fish. There was a lovely left to right breeze which worked the buzzers well. Just keeping in touch and allowing them to work slowly and it was surely just a matter of time before a fish attached itself.

Paul was fishing about thirty yards to my left with a booby on the point and a couple of nymphs on droppers.

It was only a few minutes before he had his first fish , quickly followed by more, whilst my buzzers remained untouched only yards away.

 I have had my largest fish at Siblyback on buzzers and diawl bach’s but have also found that on many occasions lures catch more fish.  After Paul had his fourth fish I began to think today was one of those days. In hindsight, there were very few fish rising, or signs of takes just under the surface, and at that time no buzzers were hatching.

Paul kindly offered to allow me to try his rod. As he wanted an opinion on the rod and line combination and I hoped I may actually hook up with a fish,  and I suspect he was also feeling sorry for me !

The Snowbee Prestige was very nice teamed with the Snowbee Thistledown, but even better was the fish that hit the fly on my first pull !

I tried my rod as well with the team of buzzers and nothing happened. Another cast with Pauls and another briefly hooked and dropped.

The buzzers were taken off and a couple of Cormorants and a montana added and I started catching. The team of buzzers were clearly of no interest to the trout.

It really was an excellent evenings fishing. Another angler settled in about forty yards to our left and it wasn’t long before all three of us were playing fish at the same time.

I managed four fish and Paul had caught at least 8 when I left about 7.30. By then the wind had dropped and it was a glorious evening to be fishing

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